What is the difference between C++ and Java?


C++ and Java are both popular programming languages, but they have some key differences that make them better suited for different types of projects.

C++ is a low-level programming language that is often used for system programming, game development, and other performance-critical applications. It is a compiled language, which means that the code is translated into machine code before it is executed. This makes C++ programs fast and efficient, but it also means that the code is not portable across different platforms.

Java, on the other hand, is a high-level programming language that is designed for cross-platform compatibility. It is an interpreted language, which means that the code is not translated into machine code before it is executed. Instead, the code is run through a virtual machine, which allows it to run on any platform that has a compatible Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. This makes Java programs easy to distribute and run on different platforms, but it also means that they may not be as fast or efficient as C++ programs.

Comparison Chart:

Basis For Comparison



Type semantics

Consistent between primitive and object types.

Differs for primitive and object types.

Platform dependency



Memory management

Accessible to programmer.

System controlled.

Inheritance model

Single and multiple inheritance

Single inheritance with abstract interfaces.


Explicit per method, encourages mix-in hierarchies.


Access control and object protection

Thorough and flexible model with constant protection available.

Cumbersome model encourages weak encapsulation.


Source must be recompiled for platform hence code is not portable.

Bytecode classes portable to platform specific JVM’s.


Predominantly low-level functionality

Massive, classes for high-level services

Runtime error detection

Programmer responsibility

System responsibility


Pointers, structure and union.

Threads and interfaces.

One of the key differences between the two languages is their approach to memory management. C++ programs rely on manual memory management, which means that the programmer must allocate and deallocate memory manually. This can be error-prone and time-consuming, but it also gives the programmer more control over the program’s memory usage. Java programs, on the other hand, use automatic memory management, which means that the program automatically allocates and deallocates memory as needed. This makes Java programs less prone to memory leaks, but it also means that the programmer has less control over the program’s memory usage.

Another difference between the two languages is their support for object-oriented programming. Both languages support object-oriented programming, but Java is more strictly object-oriented than C++. C++ allows for more flexibility, such as allowing global functions and variables, while Java does not.

In summary, C++ is a powerful, low-level programming language that is well-suited for performance-critical applications, while Java is a cross-platform, high-level programming language that is well-suited for applications that need to run on multiple platforms. Both languages have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them will depend on the specific requirements of the project.

It’s also worth noting that C++ and Java both have their own standard libraries, and a wide range of 3rd party libraries available. C++ has a wider range of libraries available, especially for game development and system programming, while Java has a wider range of enterprise libraries.

Overall, C++ and Java are both powerful programming languages that are well-suited for different types of projects. It’s important to consider the specific requirements of your project when deciding which language to use.